1. Coronavirus pandemic: daily updated research and data.
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          Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19)Statistics and Research

          We are grateful to everyone whose editorial review and expert feedback on this work helps us to continuously improve our work on the pandemic. Thank you. Here you find the acknowledgements.

          The data on the coronavirus pandemic is updated daily. Last update: July 7 2020 (10:45, London time).

          You can download our complete – daily updated – Our World in Data COVID-19 Dataset.

          Coronavirus Country Profiles

          Which countries are doing better and which are doing worse? We built 207 country profiles which allow you to explore the statistics on the coronavirus pandemic for every country in the world.

          Each profile includes interactive visualizations, explanations of the presented metrics, and the details on the sources of the data.

          Every country profile is updated daily.

          Every profile includes four sections

          1. Deaths: How many deaths from Coronavirus have been reported? Is the number of deaths still increasing? How does the death rate compare to other countries?
          2. Testing: How much testing for coronavirus do countries conduct? When did they start and how does it compare with other countries?
          3. Cases: How many cases were confirmed? How many tests did a country do to find one COVID-19 case? And is your country bending the curve?
          4. Government responses: What measures did countries take in response to the pandemic?

          See how your country is affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and how it compares to others:

          Our 12 most visited country profiles

          Compare countries

          This is our new Coronavirus Data Explorer. It brings together our global data on testing for COVID-19, and the counts of confirmed cases and deaths.

          Each metric can be seen in a straightforward line chart or in our trajectory charts, which align all countries at the start of the outbreak (here is how to read them). You can also switch to world maps for every metric, simply choose the Map tab below the chart.

          Open the Explorer in a new tab.

          What the data can and cannot tell us about the pandemic

          Without data we can not understand the pandemic. Only based on good data can we know how the disease is spreading, what impact the pandemic has on the lives of people around the world, and whether the counter measures countries are taking are successful or not.

          But even the best available data on the coronavirus pandemic is far from perfect.

          In dedicated pages we present the latest data together with detailed explanations of what we can learn from this data: where does the data come from? What are the limitations that we need to be aware of? And what does the data tell us about the coronavirus pandemic?

          The global data on the pandemic in detail:
          If you want a global overview of the data start here:
          All our work is free for everyone to use:
          Risk factors

          Our mission at Our World in Data is to provide the research and data on the world’s largest problems and how to make progress against them.

          In recent work we have researched several of the risk factors for the coronavirus disease:

          Our work belongs to everyone


          We would like to acknowledge and thank a number of people in the development of this work: Carl Bergstrom, Bernadeta Dadonaite, Natalie Dean, Jason Hendry, Adam Kucharski, Moritz Kraemer and Eric Topol for their very helpful and detailed comments and suggestions on earlier versions of this work. Tom Chivers we would like to thank for his editorial review and feedback.

          And we would like to thank the many hundreds of readers who give us feedback on this work every day. Your feedback is what allows us to continuously clarify and improve it. We very much appreciate you taking the time to write. We cannot respond to every message we receive, but we do read all feedback and aim to take the many helpful ideas into account. Thank you all.

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